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Louis Vuitton / Marc Jacobs

Start Date 09 March 2012
End Date 16 September 2012
Venue Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Location Paris, France
Curator Pamela Golbin and Katie Grand
Designer Agency Gainsbury & Whiting and Joseph Benett
Exhibition display of bags framed in position
Exhibition display of five dressed mannequins holding bags

This exhibition presents the story of two personalities, Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs (artistic director of the house of Louis Vuitton), and highlights their contributions to the world of fashion. How did they manage to fit into their respective times to innovate and advance an entire industry  ? How did these two men, with their own language, appropriate cultural phenomena and codes in order to write the history of fashion?

Rather than retrospective analysis, this parallel Vuitton-Jacobs sheds light on the fashion system during these two periods are hinges that industrialization of the late XIXth century and the globalization of the beginning of the XXI th century. Art trades, technical advances, stylistic creations and artistic collaborations are evoked.

Deployed on two levels, the exhibition devotes each floor to one of the creators in a scenography by Sam Gainsbury and Joseph Bennett. Louis Vuitton trunks are presented in terms of collections and fashion accessories of the XIXth century the museum on the first floor, while a selection of the most iconic models created by Marc Jacobs, for the past 15 years, is staging on the second.

Images © Musée des Arts Décoratifs.