The Needle’s I: Stitching Identity
Opening Sep 17, 2022, in the Society of Winterthur Fellows Gallery
The Needle’s I: Stitching Identity examines how we work with needles and thread to create a sense of self. From historic samplers and clothing to contemporary pieces, the exhibition presents stitchers and stitchery from the eighteenth century to the present day and explores these makers, their marks, and their stories through themes of family, memory, and craft tradition. The exhibit is inspired by The Needle’s Eye: Women and Work in the Age of Revolution, Marla Miller’s important examination of eighteenth and early nineteenth-century identity, gender, and craft and moves it to the present day.
On October 6 and 7, The Needle’s I: Stitching Identity, A Winterthur Conference will gather Winterthur staff, visiting scholars, designers, and artists to discuss how we work with needles and thread to create a sense of self, further exploring the themes of the accompanying exhibition. Join us for this two-day conference. Registration opens April 15.